C h ris’ fav o rite h ot
co lo rs glow in th is
b o rd er,
, w h ere a
clum p of
fo reg ro u n d , gives w ay
to ca tm in t, g eu m , and
m an y o th e r b lo o m ers.
R ed-leaf Jap an ese
m ap les d o t th e m ix
w ith pu rp le
e x cla m a tio n s.
F o r C hris an d Don
H o ern er,
g ard en in g h as b een
a lab o r of love.
welve years ago, when Don Hoerner was joined by new
wife Chris at his Snohomish, Washington, home, it was
the beginning of a beautiful relationship— and a beau-
tiful garden. The dazzling borders, created with special
attention to pairing plants that work well together, are
a fitting result of the couple’s gardening partnership.
Chris is the pair’s color specialist, drawing inspira-
tion from gardening magazines. “I try to make color
combinations in my head,” she says. Those ideas have
taken root in striking ways. Yellow-colored plants like
‘Gold Cone’ juniper mingle with lavender geranium
and purple allium; trees and shrubs echo those same
color notes. Chris avoids woody plants with mere
green leaves— in fact, she recently tore out a green
lilac because there was “nothing to see.” She favors the
yellow hues o f‘Golden Spirit’ smokebush and thread-
leaf cypress. The bright colors suit the Northwest, she
says— they glow, even during dim, misty drizzles.
The shrubs are more easy-care, Chris admits, and
she recently has put more emphasis on texture and
foliage. Yet flowering perennials remain her passion.
“Every time I go to a nursery, I bring more home,” she says with a laugh. She hates to
pull up any of her perennials, even those that spread uncontrollably, like feverfew. So
that’s when teamwork comes in— she summons Don to do some ruthless “editing.”
The tables are turned, however, when it comes to roses. Don always yearns for more,
but the couple are fast running out of space. “He’ll want to buy a rose,” Chris jokes,
“and then he’ll say, ‘You figure out where to put it!” ’
It’s a partnership that works. Nearly every summer evening, as the fragrance of
petunias and
scents the air, Chris and Don move quietly among the beds,
weeding and pruning until the gold light of dusk fades from the sky.
APRIL 2011 |
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